Continuation of Zoning Petition of Bobby Joe Carmichael and NCDOT (W-3418) from RS9 and CPO-S to CPO-S (Restaurant (without drive-through service); Banking and Financial Services; Offices; Services, A; Testing and Research Lab; Child Care, Drop-In; Child Care, Sick Children; Child Day Care Center; College or University; Government Office, Neighborhood Organization or Post Office; Hospital or Health Care Center; Police or Fire Station; and School, Vocational or Professional): property is located on the west side of Burke Mill Road, north of I-40 – Containing approximately 1.15 acres located in the SOUTHWEST WARD (Council Member Besse) [Planning Board recommends approval of petition.] (This item received a motion of No Consideration at the October 21, 2019, City Council Meeting, after the Public Hearing was closed.)