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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/19/2022 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
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Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
22-0540 1C-1. OrdinanceConsideration of Items Related to the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget Ordinances:(Recommended by Finance Committee.) Ordinance Amending the Annual Appropriation and Tax Levy Ordinance for the City of Winston-Salem, North Carolina for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023. Ordinance Amending the Project Budget Ordinance for the City of Winston-Salem, North Carolina for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023.Approved  Action details Not available
22-0520 1C-2. ResolutionConsideration of Items Related to a Department of Homeland Security Assistance to Firefighters Grant: (Recommended by Finance and Public Safety Committees.) Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Department of Homeland Security Assistance to Firefighters Grant to Implement Blue Card Command Training. Ordinance Amending the Annual Appropriation and Tax Levy Ordinance for the City of Winston-Salem, North Carolina for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023. Ordinance Amending the Project Budget Ordinance for the City of Winston-Salem, North Carolina for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023.Approved  Action details Not available
22-0519 1C-3. ResolutionResolution Awarding Purchase Order for Aerial Ladder Fire Truck - Atlantic Emergency Solutions, Inc. - $1,787,726. (Recommended by Finance Committee.)Approved  Action details Not available
22-0521 1C-4. ResolutionResolution Awarding Purchase Order for Pumper Fire Truck Atlantic - Emergency Solutions, Inc. - $846,171. (Recommended by Finance Committee.)Approved  Action details Not available
22-0525 1C-5. ResolutionResolution Awarding Purchase Order for Turnout Gear - Municipal Emergency Services, Inc. - $253,828. (Recommended by Finance Committee.)Approved  Action details Not available
22-0522 1C-6. ResolutionResolution Awarding Purchase Order for Lifepak 1000 AED Kits - Stryker Sales, LLC - $60,520. (Recommended by Finance Committee.) Approved  Action details Not available
22-0518 1C-7. ResolutionResolution Awarding Purchase Order for Laptop Computers - Dell Marketing L.P. - $224,860.48. (Recommended by Finance and Public Safety Committees.)Approved  Action details Not available
22-0524 1C-8. ResolutionResolution Awarding Purchase Order for Rollout Refuse Carts - Toter, LLC - $282,200.80. (Recommended by Finance Committee.)Approved  Action details Not available
22-0526 1C-9. ResolutionResolution Awarding Contract for Dumpster Services - Republic Services of North Carolina, LLC - $87,677.26. (Recommended by Finance Committee.)Approved  Action details Not available
22-0527 1C-10. ResolutionResolution Awarding Contract for HEPA Filter Maintenance at Joint Firearms Training Facility - EVO Corporation - $112,470. (Northeast Ward) (Recommended by Finance Committee.)Approved  Action details Not available
22-0529 1C-11. ResolutionConsideration of Items Regarding Contract for Easton Mobile Relocation and Repurpose: (Recommended by Finance Committee.) Resolution Awarding Contract for Easton Mobile Relocation and Repurpose - LSNS Consulting, LLC - $174,887.92. (Southeast Ward) Ordinance Amending The Project Budget Ordinance For The City Of Winston-Salem, North Carolina For The Fiscal Year 2022-2023.Approved  Action details Not available
22-0497 1C-12. ResolutionResolution Authorizing The City Manager To Enter Into A Contract With The Hartford For Life And Short-Term Disability Insurance - $167,093. (Recommended by Finance Committee.) Approved  Action details Not available
22-0532 1C-13. OrdinanceCasa Buena LLC, 1406 E. 24th Street (Northeast Ward) Ordinance Ordering the Demolition and Removal of a Structure [Repairs exceeding sixty-five (65%) of value of structure.] (Recommended by Community Development/Housing/General Government Committee.)Approved  Action details Not available
22-0533 1C-14. OrdinanceBHENWEALTH INC. & Premier REO Solutions LLC, 1937 Bowen Blvd(Northeast Ward) Ordinance Ordering the Demolition and Removal of a Structure [Repairs exceeding sixty-five (65%) of value of structure.] (Recommended by Community Development/Housing/General Government Committee.)Approved  Action details Not available
22-0534 1C-15. OrdinanceMonterius Williams 2415 N. Jackson Avenue (Northeast Ward) Ordinance Ordering the Demolition and Removal of a Structure [Repairs exceeding sixty-five (65%) of value of structure.] (Recommended by Community Development/Housing/General Government Committee.)Approved  Action details Not available
22-0535 1C-16. OrdinanceCenia Odeth Leon, 2512 Machine Street (Northeast Ward) Ordinance Ordering the Demolition and Removal of a Structure [Repairs exceeding sixty-five (65%) of value of structure.] (Recommended by Community Development/Housing/General Government Committee.)Approved  Action details Not available
22-0536 1C-17. OrdinanceBenancio Salgado & Tina M. Salgado, 2821 Manchester Street (Northeast Ward) Ordinance Ordering the Demolition and Removal of a Structure [Repairs exceeding sixty-five (65%) of value of structure.] (Recommended by Community Development/Housing/General Government Committee.)Approved  Action details Not available
22-0542 1C-18. ResolutionConsideration of Items Related to a Contribution to the Film Partnership of North Carolina’s Workforce Development Initiative in Winston-Salem: (Recommended by Finance Committee.) Resolution Approving a Contribution of $100,000 to the Film Partnership of North Carolina. Ordinance Amending the Project Budget Ordinance for the City of Winston-Salem, North Carolina for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023. Approved  Action details Not available
22-0530 1C-19. ResolutionConsideration of Items Relating to the Stonewall Neighborhood: (Recommended by Community Development/Housing/General Government Committee.) Resolution Approving The Continuation Of The Stonewall Neighborhood As a No Parking On Lawn Area. Ordinance Amending Chapter 42 of the Winston-Salem City Code Relating to Parking of Certain Vehicles Prohibited on Front Lawns.Approved  Action details Not available
22-0514 1C-21. ResolutionPublic Hearing on Resolution Supporting the Eligibility of Property for the National Register of Historic Places - Downtown Winston-Salem Historic District. (Recommended by Community Development/Housing/General Government Committee.)Approved  Action details Not available
22-0541 1C-23. ResolutionResolution Revising the Public Purpose Attached to the Sale of Certain City-Owned Land by Private Sale (N.C.G.S. 160A-279) to United Health Centers. (East Ward) (Recommended by Finance Committee.)Approved  Action details Not available
22-0550 1C-24. ResolutionResolution Authorizing the City Manager to Approve Claims Settlements in an Amount Not to Exceed $100,000. (Recommended by Finance Committee.) Approved  Action details Not available
22-0554 1C-25. ResolutionResolution Authorizing Payments to Waste Management of Carolinas Inc. and Waste Management Recycle America for Recycling Services. (Recommended by Finance Committee.)Approved  Action details Not available
22-0513 1C-26. ResolutionResolution Authorizing a Lease with the State of North Carolina for Space in City-Owned Property at 226 South Liberty Street. (South Ward) (Recommended by Finance Committee.)Approved  Action details Not available
22-0516 1C-27. ResolutionResolution Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Utility Relocation Agreement with Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC for the Relocation of Utility Facilities on W. First Street - $100,650. (Northwest Ward) (Recommended by Finance and Public Works Committees.)Approved  Action details Not available
22-0505 1C-28. ResolutionConsideration of Items Related to the First and Second Streets Two-Way Conversion Project: (Recommended by Finance and Public Works Committee.) Resolution Authorizing The City Manager To Execute A Change Order With Sharpe Brothers, A Division Of Vecellio And Grogan, Inc. For Additional Expenses Related To A Delay Claim Request And Unforeseen Electrical Conduit Needs Associated With The First And Second Streets Two-Way Conversion Project - $300,000. Ordinance Amending the Project Budget Ordinance for the City of Winston-Salem, North Carolina for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023.Approved  Action details Not available
22-0512 1C-29. ResolutionResolution Authorizing Temporary Construction Easement Acquisitions for the Underwood Avenue Culvert Repair Project by Deed or Condemnation - $1,425. (North Ward) (Recommended by Finance Committee.)Approved  Action details Not available
22-0556 1C-30. MinutesApproval of Summary of Minutes.Approved  Action details Not available
22-0539 1C-20. ResolutionConsideration of Items Relating to WinstonNet and the Forsyth County Digital Equity Committee Pilot Program: (Recommended by Finance Committee.) Resolution Authorizing the Use of the City’s Allocation of Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CLFRF) to Partner with WinstonNet for the Forsyth County Digital Equity Committee Pilot Program - $2,000,000. Ordinance Amending the Project Budget Ordinance for the City of Winston-Salem, North Carolina for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023.ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
22-0477 1C-22. ResolutionResolution Amending Articles II and III of the City of Winston-Salem Personnel Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Offer Competitive Market Adjustments, Permitting Adjusted Seniority for Newly Hired Employees, and Authorizing In-Service Vacation Payouts for City Employees. (Recommended by Community Development/Housing/General Government Committee.)ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
22-0443 1G-1. ResolutionPublic Hearing on a Petition to Close and Abandon a Portion of Torrance Drive and Notice to all Persons Interested in the Closing Thereof (Northwest Ward) - Petition of John Shipley. (Recommended by Public Works Committee with three in favor and one excused)ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
22-0559 1G-2. ResolutionPublic Hearing on Resolution To Revise The Ward Boundaries Of The City Of Winston-Salem As A Result Of The 2020 Census.ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
22-0544 1G-3. ResolutionResolution Approving The Sale Of City-Owned Land By Private Sale To The Arts Based School Supporting Organization. (East Ward) (Finance Committee forwarded this item without recommendation.) (This item was continued from the September 19, 2022, City Council Meeting.)ContinuedPass Action details Video Video
22-0558 1G-4. ReportPublic Comment Period.   Action details Video Video