| 1 | C-1. | | Resolution | Resolution Authorizing The Conveyance Of Certain City-Owned Property For The Development Of Affordable Housing In The Ridgewood Place Subdivision To True Homes, Its Assigns Or Successors. - Receipt of $608,300. (Southeast Ward) (Recommended by Finance Committee with three in favor and one abstaining. Recommended by Community Development/Housing/General Government Committee. )
| Committee Recommends Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | C-2. | | Ordinance | Ordinance Designating Certain Property as a Local Historic Landmark – Coan-Gray House. Public Hearing: December 5, 2022. (Northwest Ward) (Recommended by Community Development/Housing/General Government Committee.) | Committee Recommends Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | C-3. | | Resolution | Resolution Approving The Naming Of Salem Lake Event Center In Honor Of Former Alderman Dr. Virginia K. Newell. (Southeast Ward) (Recommended by Community Development/Housing/General Government Committee.)
| Committee Recommends Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | C-4. | | Resolution | Resolution Amending Articles II and III of The City of Winston-Salem Personnel Resolution Adding Classifications to the Pay Plan and Amending the Adjusted Seniority Provision for all Employees. (Recommended by Community Development/Housing/General Government Committee.) | Committee Recommends Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | C-9. | | Minutes | Approval of Community Development/Housing/General Government Committee Minutes. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | C-5. | | Ordinance | Leroy Ghilchrist, Heirs, 1310 Gholson Avenue (East Ward) Ordinance Ordering the Demolition and Removal of a Structure [Repairs exceeding sixty-five (65%) of value of structure.] (This item was continued from the November 8, 2022, Community Development/Housing/General Government Committee.) | Referred | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | C-6. | | Ordinance | 1427 NE 23rd St Trust,1427 E. 23rd Street (Northeast Ward) Ordinance Ordering the Demolition and Removal of a Structure [Repairs exceeding sixty-five (65%) of value of structure.] (Recommended by Community Development/Housing/General Government Committee.) | Committee Recommends Approval | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | C-7. | | Ordinance | Josie E. Johnson, Heirs, 1620 N. Jackson Avenue (Northeast Ward) Ordinance Ordering the Demolition and Removal of a Structure [Repairs exceeding sixty-five (65%) of value of structure.] (Recommended by Community Development/Housing/General Government Committee.) | Committee Recommends Approval | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | C-8. | | Ordinance | Thelma Jackson, Heirs, 1621 Rockford Street (Southeast Ward) Ordinance Ordering the Demolition and Removal of a Structure [Repairs exceeding sixty-five (65%) of value of structure.] (Recommended by Community Development/Housing/General Government Committee.) | Committee Recommends Approval | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | G-1. | | Resolution | Resolution Adopting The City of Winston-Salem's Legislative Priorities For The 2023 Legislative Session. (Recommended by Community Development/Housing/General Government Committee with three in favor and one abstaining) | Committee Recommends Approval | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | G-2. | | Resolution | Presentation on Piedmont Triad Regional Workforce Development Board’s Impact on Winston-Salem. | Information Only | |
Action details
| 1 | G-3. | | Report | Progress Report by the Development Finance Initiative (DFI) on the Development of a Citywide Land Bank Program. | Information Only | |
Action details